Copyright, Trademark and Legal Information

To get right to the point: This page was created solely for educational purposes. Let me repeat that: this is an education-oriented page. If anything (a name, a picture, a phrase, some wording, a logo, a mark, or just anything -- you know what I mean) on this site are trademarks, copyrights, or are registered in any way I'm hereby acknowledging that fact and asking that you treat all the material here as copyrighted material. The only reason that the copyrighted or trademarked or registered information is mentioned or displayed or referred to or discussed in these pages is for educational and identification purposes. I have no intention whatsoever of infringing on anyone's trademarks or copyrights, and am not in any way trying to make anyone loose any revenue or anything by what I put on these pages, and am not trying to affiliate myself with anybody. (To repeat: the mere mention of a trademark or copyright does not mean that I am affiliated with the owner of that trademark or copyright.) Effort has been made to observe copyrights and trademarks, and if the owner of a copyright sees something on these pages that he does not like I'll change it (or eliminate it) on a moment's notice.

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