The Foreign-Language Dig Allen Books
One day, while idly browsing through the Library of Congress' home page, I noticed that the book Captives in Space had been translated into French. As I had no more information to work with, I simply filed away the knowledge and forgot about it.
Recently, a man by the name of Marc e-mailed me and told me that he had all three French translations. It turns out that three Dig Allens were translated and released in France: Prisonniers du Soleil (
Captives in Space), Voyage vers Jupiter (Journey to Jupiter), and La Cité Perdue (Lost City Of Uranus).Marc was kind enough to send me a good number of scans (both cover scans and internals), which I am posting here. If you know anything else about these books, or know of any other foreign Dig Allen reprints, please e-mail me at; I'd like to hear from you!Click Here to view the images for Prisonniers du Soleil Click Here to view the images for Voyage vers Jupiter Click Here to view the images for La Cité Perdue
Click Here to view the scan of Prigionieri dello spazio
Click Here to view the scan of Viaggio su Giove